1 and 2 October 2020
PORT&SHIPPINGTECH, Naples Shipping Week’s Main Conference
In its eleven years of recurrence, is the event that has proven its leadership position in the panorama of international events dedicated to logistics, shipping and more generally to the development of the port-logistics system. The Forum is dedicated to the comparison between professionals on innovative state-of-the-art technologies, geared towards promoting the development of logistics and maritime system

Unique in its field, the event offers TWO DAYS OF AMAZING INITIATIVES focused on business development for companies.

The Chinese viral pneumonia pandemic, Covid-19, has disrupted the processes of all aspects of civil and economic life. This session, after a short introduction summary, focuses on actions and directives aimed to overcome the crisis, to be taken by those who work in the shipping and logistics supply chain
The Chinese viral pneumonia epidemic will certainly have medium and long-term consequences, but they are still undefined. Too often, ideological convictions or hopes have too much influence on analyses and forecasts. However, it is certain that the world of shipping will be affected, if those consequences will lead to a reorganization of the economy based on the international division of labor. Understanding how this will happen is the goal of this session.

The push towards sustainable shipping continues and changes at its target, although the consequences of the pandemic are still undefined. Will the demand to further reduce sulfur emissions lead the imposition of an Ultra-Low sulfur zone in the Mediterranean? The most ambitious, difficult and potentially disruptive objective is the abatement of CO2 emissions, as required by the European plan for carbon neutrality by 2050.
Logistics efficiency is based on two pillars: physical infrastructure and the exchange of information and documents. On both fronts, digital technologies are in full development. The reduction of physical human intervention is also key in improving the resilience of port and logistics infrastructures.

Technological innovation, which is often disruptive for the various sectors structures, is now a constant in all areas of society and economy. The maritime-port sector is no exception. The request for a greater resilience of systems when facing events that reduce the possibility of physical human intervention constitutes an additional drive in the search for new solutions.
The financing of innovation and infrastructure has always been an essential pillar of shipping and port life. The scarcity of public funds, made more dramatic and urgent by the post-Covid burden, the growing international and national competition between stopovers and state-owned aggressive competitors, are all factors that make this topic extremely relevant.

Cruise and generic passenger transportation ships have been treated as an example of reference when discussing the explosion of Covid-19 infections in closed and crowded environments. Therefore, paying attention to the issue of on-board and onshore systems (terminals) for the health safety of passengers and crew, is now a given for shipowners and management companies.