#LNG infrastructures & Logistics – Naples Shipping Week

Friday, October 2nd

11.30 – 13.00
The conference will also be available in streaming

#LNG infrastructures & Logistics

The important role of liquefied natural gas in the energy transition for maritime transport is now consolidated. Beside offering definitive solutions regarding the cutting of sulfur emissions, also interesting in view of the rumoured ultra-low sulfur area in the Mediterranean, the LNG also offers a first limited reduction in CO2 emissions. This session deals with the theme from the “land” side, that is, the construction and availability of infrastructures for refueling in our ports both on a large and small scale, and the consequent logistics needed. A focus will be devoted to the synergy between infrastructure dedicated to ships and that serving LNG road transport vehicles in the logistic back port.


  • What happens in the Mediterranean on LNG?
  • LNG availability in Italy in the short to medium term
  • Ongoing projects for LNG supply, storage and distribution infrastructures in Italian ports
  • LNG: the medium-term future of bunkering and a gym for non-carbon-based energy carriers
  • Certification of plants and personnel for LNG operations in the port area
  • Facilities serving the logistic back port


Chairman: Alberto Moroso, President, ATENA

LNG: the future of green bunkering
Rafael Schmill, Associate Partner, PwC Strategy&

Title TBD
Diego Gavagnin, Coordinator, ConferenzaGNL

Title TBD
Andrea Arzà, President, Assogasliquidi/Federchimica

Title TBD
speech by Assocostieri

Title TBD
Valentina Infante, Head of Small Scale LNG business, Edison

Sustainable Development Goals in the Mediterranean: the role of LNG and Hydrogen
Mario Dogliani, General Manager, Fondazione CS Mare

The WestMed initiative and the actions undertaken to promote green shipping and use of LNG
Leonardo Manzari, WestMed National Hub for Italy, WestMed Initiative – Assistance Mechanism – EC DG Mare

LNG bunkering operations. The port of La Spezia experience
Massimiliano Mezzani, Head of Compartimento Marittimo and Commander Port of Milazzo, Corpo delle Capitanerie di porto – Guardia Costiera

Title TBD
Antonio de Feo, Director, Bureau Veritas Solutions M&O Italy Branch Office

A GNL distribution network for the Norther Tirrenian Sea Italian and French ports
Giovanni Satta, Professor, Università degli Studi di Genova
