#Safety & Welfare – Naples Shipping Week

Friday, October 2nd

16:00 – 17:00
The conference will also be available in streaming

#Safety & Welfare

Safety in working on the sea and for the sea is an articulated theme. On the one hand, the increase in maritime traffic and the growing sensitivity of the public towards the consequences deriving from naval accidents, pushes everyone involved in the maritime sector to put safety first.
On the other hand, maritime and port activities are characterized by the complex interaction between land and ship activities and the co-presence of human personnel and machines.


  • Risk assessment and prevention in the marine and port area
  • Safety-driven design of the canal and onshore and offshore works
  • Load safety and comfort of seafarers
  • Accident prevention and safety in maritime work: regulations and good practices
  • Training of workers
  • The new rules on technical tests and on-board systems certifications
  • Remote visits and inspections: how they could remain post-Covid
  • Crew change in times of global emergencies: experiences and coverage


Chairman: Marco Starita, Studio Tecnico Navale Moroso Starita

Civil and Criminal Responsibility for Convid-19 contagion cases
Bruno Castaldo, Studio Legale Castaldo, Magliulo & Associati

Seagoing personnel boarding. The experimental resort to art. 329 of the navigation code
Luciano Pischedda, Guardia Costiera – Capitaneria di Porto, Rep. II

COVID 19 emergency – The experience gained in the Port of Livorno
Alessio Loffredo, Capitano di Fregata (CP), Direzione Marittima di Livorno

Risk evaluation and management in conseuqneces of SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19)pandemic
Stefano Buri, QMS Group

Title TBD
Anna Longobardo, AP.L. Partners Insurance Brokers

Greetings by Adm. Giovanni Pettorino
