Friday, October 2nd
11:30 – 13:00
The conference will also be available in streaming
Conference with simultaneous translation ITA-ENG-ITA
#Shipping Global Dynamics
The viral pneumonia epidemic will certainly have medium and long-term consequences, but they are still undefined. Too often ideological beliefs or hopes influence analyses and predictions. However, it is certain that if the consequences will lead to a reorganization of the economy based on the international division of labor, shipping will be affected. Understanding how this will be is the goal of this session.
Existential challenges, strategic sectors and national security: end of globalization or China choking?
Shipping and international trade: will either the routes or the goods change, or both?
The strategy of the Great Powers and the Freedom of the Sea
Italy in a Mediterranean that’s no longer mare nostrum
Italian maritime traffic: how it can develop further?
Naval gigantism, stop or relaunch?
Is the reign of the container coming to an end?
What use is the sea for Italy?
Chairman: Alberto Moroso, President, ATENA
LNG: the future of green bunkering
Rafael Schmill, Associate Partner, PwC Strategy&
LNG and Small Scale LNG in the Covid era
Diego Gavagnin, Coordinator, ConferenzaGNL
LNG in Italy: from the commitment of the industrial sector for the deployment of the infrastructure, to the analysis of the measures for the development of the entire chain
Andrea Arzà, President, Federchimica- Assogasliquidi
Infrastrures for LNG bunkering
Marika Venturi, President, Assocostieri
Edison’s Journey for Competitive SSLNG in the Mediterranean Sea
Valentina Infante, Head of Small Scale LNG business, Edison
Sustainable Development Goals in the Mediterranean: the role of LNG and Hydrogen
Mario Dogliani, General Manager, Fondazione CS Mare
The WestMed initiative and the actions undertaken to promote green shipping and use of LNG
Leonardo Manzari, WestMed National Hub for Italy, WestMed Initiative – Assistance Mechanism – EC DG Mare
LNG bunkering operations. The port of La Spezia experience
Massimiliano Mezzani, Head of Compartimento Marittimo and Commander Port of Milazzo,
Corpo delle Capitanerie di porto – Guardia Costiera
LNG- The great opportunity, the eco-sustainable choice
Antonio de Feo, Business Development Manager, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore Division, BUREAU VERITAS ITALIA S.p.A.
LNG for propulsion in maritime and port domain: towards an LNG distribution network in ports between Italy and France
Giovanni Satta, Professor, Università degli Studi di Genova